SRO Alliance Summary     Server:  1098

Date Score Net Score Net 1st 2nd 3rd
1 17-Aug-2024 -10,253 -10.3 K Arwen of moon go↓↓
2 03-Aug-2024 -32,720,200 -32.7 M Brahyan San!Racha94🥀shahrzad go↓↓
3 20-Jul-2024 -7,112,384 -7.1 M 🥀shahrzad go↓↓
4 08-Jun-2024 -109,995 -110.0 K Kcahuate! go↓↓
5 25-May-2024 -6,728,686 -6.7 M Brahyan San! go↓↓
6 11-May-2024 -8,182,815 -8.2 M Apolaz🥀shahrzad go↓↓
7 27-Apr-2024 -7,000 -7.0 K Basam، go↓↓
8 30-Mar-2024 -128,505,870 -128.5 M One puch-man🥀shahrzadSidejob #2 go↓↓
9 16-Mar-2024 -2,530,789 -2.5 M CasI10 go↓↓
10 03-Feb-2024 -923,305 -923.3 K ApolazBatoosay go↓↓
11 20-Jan-2024 -41,262,628 -41.3 M 🥀shahrzad go↓↓
12 06-Jan-2024 -2,835,740 -2.8 M Gaudencio III go↓↓
13 23-Dic-2023 -9,986,016 -10.0 M dashis1001Gaudencio III go↓↓
14 09-Dic-2023 -22,323,749 -22.3 M BatoosayRacha94🥀shahrzad go↓↓
15 11-Nov-2023 -5,740,000 -5.7 M Sidejob #2 go↓↓
16 28-Oct-2023 -29,291,225 -29.3 M dashis1001NortherikBasam•• go↓↓
17 02-Sep-2023 -5,064,600 -5.1 M Sidejob #2 go↓↓
18 19-Aug-2023 -17,451,249 -17.5 M Basam••🥀shahrzad go↓↓
19 05-Aug-2023 -19,427,731 -19.4 M 🥀shahrzadBasam••Gaudencio III go↓↓
20 10-Jun-2023 -5,869,181 -5.9 M NortherikGaudencio III go↓↓
21 27-May-2023 -8,949,873 -8.9 M Bassam,, go↓↓
22 13-May-2023 -5,511,311 -5.5 M Sir ChowTruckGuzmanicusNortherik go↓↓

full content ↓ ↓

Alliance: SRO - Date: 17-Aug-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
64 Arwen of moon 341.7K 0 -10,253 -10,253 0 100 %
Total -10,253

Alliance: SRO - Date: 03-Aug-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
80 Brahyan San! 248.6M 0 -1,038,325 -1,038,325 0 100 %
86 Racha94 12.1M 0 -3,608,364 -3,608,364 0 100 %
103 🥀shahrzad 16.5M 524,729 -28,598,240 -28,073,511 0.02 98 %
Total -32,720,200

Alliance: SRO - Date: 20-Jul-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
85 🥀shahrzad 37.9M 0 -7,112,384 -7,112,384 0 100 %
Total -7,112,384

Alliance: SRO - Date: 08-Jun-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
56 Kcahuate! 4.2M 0 -109,995 -109,995 0 100 %
Total -109,995

Alliance: SRO - Date: 25-May-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
95 Brahyan San! 219M 596,249 -7,324,935 -6,728,686 0.08 92 %
Total -6,728,686

Alliance: SRO - Date: 11-May-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
89 Apolaz 1.1M 0 -150,169 -150,169 0 100 %
109 🥀shahrzad 30.8M 0 -8,032,646 -8,032,646 0 100 %
Total -8,182,815

Alliance: SRO - Date: 27-Apr-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
74 Basam، 341.8M 0 -7,000 -7,000 0 100 %
Total -7,000

Alliance: SRO - Date: 30-Mar-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
84 One puch-man 25M 0 -7,575,318 -7,575,318 0 100 %
98 🥀shahrzad 16.9M 0 -18,370,232 -18,370,232 0 100 %
117 Sidejob #2 23.9M 0 -102,560,320 -102,560,320 0 100 %
Total -128,505,870

Alliance: SRO - Date: 16-Mar-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
89 CasI10 29.4M 0 -2,530,789 -2,530,789 0 100 %
Total -2,530,789

Alliance: SRO - Date: 03-Feb-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
71 Apolaz 1.1M 0 -191,401 -191,401 0 100 %
86 Batoosay 13.1M 0 -731,904 -731,904 0 100 %
Total -923,305

Alliance: SRO - Date: 20-Jan-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
87 🥀shahrzad 29.5M 0 -41,262,628 -41,262,628 0 100 %
Total -41,262,628

Alliance: SRO - Date: 06-Jan-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
77 Gaudencio III 14M 0 -2,835,740 -2,835,740 0 100 %
Total -2,835,740

Alliance: SRO - Date: 23-Dic-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
79 dashis1001 3.7M 0 -358,150 -358,150 0 100 %
110 Gaudencio III 15.3M 0 -9,627,866 -9,627,866 0 100 %
Total -9,986,016

Alliance: SRO - Date: 09-Dic-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
91 Batoosay 9.9M 0 -462,288 -462,288 0 100 %
101 Racha94 8.4M 0 -5,704,696 -5,704,696 0 100 %
110 🥀shahrzad 13.3M 0 -16,156,765 -16,156,765 0 100 %
Total -22,323,749

Alliance: SRO - Date: 11-Nov-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
95 Sidejob #2 60.4M 0 -5,740,000 -5,740,000 0 100 %
Total -5,740,000

Alliance: SRO - Date: 28-Oct-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
64 dashis1001 3.7M 0 -368,220 -368,220 0 100 %
65 Northerik 7.4M 0 -413,865 -413,865 0 100 %
101 Basam•• 121M 0 -28,509,140 -28,509,140 0 100 %
Total -29,291,225

Alliance: SRO - Date: 02-Sep-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
107 Sidejob #2 36M 0 -5,064,600 -5,064,600 0 100 %
Total -5,064,600

Alliance: SRO - Date: 19-Aug-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
102 Basam•• 100.8M 0 -5,818,209 -5,818,209 0 100 %
110 🥀shahrzad 9.7M 0 -11,633,040 -11,633,040 0 100 %
Total -17,451,249

Alliance: SRO - Date: 05-Aug-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
60 🥀shahrzad 10.6M 0 -1,088,179 -1,088,179 0 100 %
83 Basam•• 95M 1,289,790 -9,448,036 -8,158,246 0.14 86 %
89 Gaudencio III 23M 0 -10,181,306 -10,181,306 0 100 %
Total -19,427,731

Alliance: SRO - Date: 10-Jun-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
81 Northerik 0 -2,832,059 -2,832,059 0 100 %
84 Gaudencio III 0 -3,037,122 -3,037,122 0 100 %
Total -5,869,181

Alliance: SRO - Date: 27-May-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
56 Bassam,, 2,299,497 -11,249,370 -8,949,873 0.2 80 %
Total -8,949,873

Alliance: SRO - Date: 13-May-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
74 Sir ChowTruck 0 -1,405,551 -1,405,551 0 100 %
75 Guzmanicus 979,395 -2,985,157 -2,005,762 0.33 67 %
76 Northerik 547,000 -2,646,998 -2,099,998 0.21 79 %
Total -5,511,311